Benefits of Certification in Schema therapy


For applicants who are interested in receiving International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) certification, there are a variety of benefits.

  • Certified Schema Therapists will maintain membership in the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), where they are distinguished from non‐certified members for their competency in treating patients and for their eligibility to participate in research projects utilizing Schema Therapy.
  • Upon successful completion of the training they can introduce themselves as Certified Schema Therapists to patients, in professional and academic settings, brochures and marketing materials. They will be included in the ISST referral network (as long as annual ISST dues are paid in full and continuing education requirements are satisfied) and may receive requests/referrals from patients, therapists, researchers or institutions.
  • Research has shown that Schema Therapy is highly effective in treating a broad range of psychological difficulties including personality disorders. Training in Schema Therapy will enable therapists to develop competencies in the treatment of ‘difficult’ or ‘untreatable’ patients.