What did the trainees say about our training?
- „The whole training is outstandingly conceptualized – an excellent mix of theory, experience and examples from the practice, with video vignettes. To me it was very important to see examples and videos on how something should not be done, examples of possible mistakes and ways to overcome them.“
- „A very useful form of psychotherapy education, which has allowed me to be more in touch with myself, to better understand my clients and to help those I thought I could not help.“
- „Excellently conceptualized training and brilliant educators! In addition to a detailed presentation of the theoretical basis, we were presented with ample of examples from the practice“.
- „Excellent training! It provides new insights and a different approach to working with clients. It gives answers to many questions, that I ask myself when working with clients.“
- „This is a good additional training for REBT therapists. This is a part that is missing from REBT, and a part that gives a deeper meaning to the overall therapy with clients.“
- „To me as REBT / CBT therapist, schema therapy training has greatly deepened my understanding of clients, both in his / her current context and in the context when the problem emerged. It has greatly strengthened my skills as a therapist and I think that this is the best possible continuation of education after REBT / CBT training.“
We are proud to say that 100% of our trainees said that they would recommend this training to their colleagues!